1. SEMESTER | ||||
Code | Course | Compulsory/ Elective | ECTS | Course Hours per Week |
BE601 | Araştırma Yöntemleri ve Bilimsel Etik Research Methods and Scientific Ethics Forschungsmethoden und Wissenschaftsethik |
C | 10 | 3 |
Seçimlik İşletme veya İktisat Dersi 1 Elective Business or Economics Course 1 Wahlfach BWL oder VWL 1 |
E | 10 | 3+1 | |
Seçimlik İşletme veya İktisat Dersi 2 Elective Business or Economics Course 2 Wahlfach BWL oder VWL 2 |
E | 10 | 3+1 | |
TOTAL | 30 | 9+2 |
2. SEMESTER | ||||
Code | Course | Compulsory/ Elective | ECTS | Course Hours per Week |
BE602 | Araştırma Semineri 1 Research Seminar 1 Forschungseminar 1 |
C | 10 | 3+0 |
Seçimlik İşletme veya İktisat Dersi 3 Elective Business or Economics Course 3 Wahlfach BWL oder VWL 3 |
E | 10 | 3+1 | |
Seçimlik İşletme veya İktisat Dersi 4 Elective Business or Economics Course 4 Wahlfach BWL oder VWL 4 |
E | 10 | 3+1 | |
TOTAL | 30 | 9+2 |
3. SEMESTER | ||||
Code | Course | Compulsory/ Elective | ECTS | Course Hours per Week |
BE701 | Araştırma Semineri 2 Research Seminar 2 Forschungseminar 2 |
C | 10 | 3+0 |
Seçimlik İşletme veya İktisat Dersi 5 Elective Business or Economics Course 5 Wahlfach BWL oder VWL 5 |
E | 10 | 3+1 | |
Seçimlik İşletme veya İktisat Dersi 6 Elective Business or Economics Course 6 Wahlfach BWL oder VWL 6 |
E | 10 | 3+1 | |
TOTAL | 30 | 9+2 |
4. SEMESTER | ||||
Code | Course | Compulsory/ Elective | ECTS | Course Hours per Week |
BE702 | Doktora Yeterlilik Sınavı Hazırlığı Preparation Work to PhD Qualifying Examination Vorbereitung für die Reifeprüfung |
C | 30 | 0 |
TOTAL | 30 | 0 |
5. SEMESTER | ||||
Code | Course | Compulsory/ Elective | ECTS | Course Hours per Week |
BE801 | Doktora Tezi Çalışması Work on Thesis Dissertationsarbeit |
E | 20 | 0 |
BE803 | Uzmanlık Alan Dersi 1 Specialization Field Course 1 Spezialisierungskurs 1 |
E | 10 | 6+0 |
TOTAL | 30 | 6+0 |
6. SEMESTER | ||||
Code | Course | Compulsory/ Elective | ECTS | Course Hours per Week |
BE801 | Doktora Tezi Çalışması Work on Thesis Dissertationsarbeit |
C | 20 | 0 |
BE804 | Uzmanlık Alan Dersi 2 Specialization Field Course 2 Spezialisierungskurs 2 |
C | 10 | 6+0 |
TOTAL | 30 | 6+0 |
7. SEMESTER | ||||
Code | Course | Compulsory/ Elective | ECTS | Course Hours per Week |
BE801 | Doktora Tezi Çalışması Work on Thesis Dissertationsarbeit |
C | 20 | 0 |
BE903 | Uzmanlık Alan Dersi 3 Specialization Field Course 3 Spezialisierungskurs 3 |
C | 10 | 6+0 |
TOTAL | 30 | 6+0 |
8. SEMESTER | ||||
Code | Course | Compulsory/ Elective | ECTS | Course Hours per Week |
BE801 | Doktora Tezi Çalışması Work on Thesis Dissertationsarbeit |
C | 20 | 0 |
BE904 | Uzmanlık Alan Dersi 4 Specialization Field Course 4 Spezialisierungskurs 4 |
C | 10 | 6+0 |
TOTAL | 30 | 6+0 |
Code | Course |
BE016 | Pazarlama Teorisi Marketing Theory Marketingtheorie |
BE017 | Pazar Araştırması ve Veri Analizi Market Research and Data Analysis Marketforschung und Datenanalyse |
BE018 | Pazarlamada Güncel Konular Contemporary Issues in Marketing Aktuelle Themen im Marketing |
BE019 | Stratejik Pazarlama Uygulamaları Strategic Marketing Applications Anwendungen im Strategische Marketing |
BE023 | Tüketici Davranışı Teorisi Theory of Consumer Behavior Theorie des Verbraucherverhaltens |
Code | Course |
BE008 | Yönetim Düşüncesinin Tarihi History of Management Thought Geschichte des Managementgedankens |
BE009 | Örgüt Teorisi Organization Theory Organisationstheorie |
BE010 | Uygulamalı Örgütsel Davranış Applied Organizational Behavior Angewandtes Organisationsverhalten |
BE011 | Yönetim ve Organizasyonda Güncel Konular Contemporary Issues in Management and Organization Aktuelle Trends in Management und Organisation |
BE020 | Dijital Dönüşüm Digital Transformation Digitale Transformation |
BE024 | Dijital Liderlik Digital Leadership Digitale Führung |
Code | Course |
BE001 | Muhasebe Teorisi Accounting Theory Buchhaltungstheorie |
BE002 | İleri Şirket Finansı Advanced Corporate Finance Fortgeschrittene Unternehmensfinanzierung |
BE003 | Stratejik Finansal Planlama ve Modelleme Strategic Financial Planning and Modelling Strategische Finanzplanung und Modellierung |
BE004 | İleri Maliyet Muhasebesi Advanced Cost Accounting Moderne Kostenrechnung |
BE005 | Para ve Sermaye Piyasaları ile İlgili İleri Konular Advanced Topics in Money and Capital Markets Fortgeschrittene Themen auf den Geld- und Kapitalmärkten |
BE006 | Davranışsal Finans Behavioral Finance Behavioral Finance |
BE007 | Muhasebe Enformasyon Sistemleri Accounting Information Systems Buchhaltungsinformationssysteme |
Code | Course |
BE015 | İşletmeler İçin Yapay Zekâ Uygulamaları Artificial Intelligence Applications for Business Applikationen der Künstlichen Intelligenz für Unternehmen |
Code | Course |
BE012 | Doğrusal Olmayan Programlama Nonlinear Programming Nichtlineare Programmierung |
BE013 | Doğrusal Cebir Linear Algebra Lineare Algebra |
BE014 | Çok Kriterli Karar Verme Multi-Criteria Decision Making Multikriterielle Entscheidungsfindung |
BE021 | Çok Değişkenli İstatistik Yöntemleri Multivariate Statistical Methods Multivariate statistische Methoden |
BE022 | Zaman Serileri Analizi Time Series Analysis Zeitreihenanalyse |